Transforming Trauma

A Drugless and Creative Path to Healing PTS and ACE

The Transforming Trauma cover
Pages:360 pages
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inch
Publisher:Hammersmith Books Limited
Pub. Date: October 20, 2022
ISBN: 9781781612255

Transforming Trauma

A Drugless and Creative Path to Healing PTS and ACE

Availability: In stock



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Transform your trauma and regain control through a pharmaceutical-free approach by Dr Heather Herington

Modern medicine’s answer to post traumatic stress (PTS or PTSD) and the negative effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) has been pharmaceuticals yet associated mental health problems, including suicide, continue to increase, indicating there must be a more effective alternative. Dr Herington, a naturopathic doctor with 30 years of experience working with survivors of traumatic events in Canada and the US, shows how a pharmaceutical-free approach that includes natural medicine, talking therapies and creative-arts solutions can enable sufferers to regain control of their lives.


About Heather L Herington

Dr Heather L. Herington Bac, NMD, DHANP, has been a naturopathic medical doctor for over 30 years (Bastyr ’87) specializing in PTS/trauma and is now in public practice with her podcast, Dr. Heather Uncensored ( As an actor-singer-voice artist (solo show Hidden), she is a member of SAG-AFTRA. An engaging speaker and workshop leader (Moving to Healing), she writes librettos (the children’s musical, The Calling Hour) and creates radio plays based on health conditions that demand a true body-mind investigation. Her websites are and She has been interviewed on several podcasts and in Authority magazine and her work has appeared in Townsend Letter for Doctors,, Alive, Kinesis and more.

Books by Heather L Herington

The Transforming Trauma cover