Waste, An Excerpt from The Carbon-Free Home.

Ever wonder why we humans insist on wasting our human waste? Well, no. Probably not. But I have. And so have Stephen and Rebekah Hren, authors of our new release The Carbon-Free Home: 36 Remodeling Projects to Help Kick the Fossil-Fuel Habit.

The following excerpted chapter makes clear that—given the right technologies—we can put our own waste to good use as fertilizer, compost, and even as a source of electricity. That’s right: power your home with your own bowel byproducts! The chapter below has directions and schematics that show you how to build your own biogas digester.

But there’s more to reusing waste than just dookie. The Hrens have created a great system for capturing and reusing laundry water, dish water, and shower water.

Reduce your carbon footprint, save money, and make plenty of poop jokes.

Be sure to check out the Hren’s newest book, A Solar Buyer’s Guide for the Home and Office!

And for a chance to win this and nine other books on sustainable living, sign up for our Homesteading Month Giveaway, in partnership with Mother Earth News!

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