Chelsea Green Blog
Food & Drink
Reaping the Harvest: Tips for Harvesting and Preserving
Tending to your garden is fulfilling in its own way, but the real reward is when everything is ready to be harvested! See below for some tips for harvesting and preserving that’ll keep you nourished for months to come. The following is an excerpt form The Regenerative Grower’s Guide to Garden Amendments by Nigel Palmer. It…
Read MoreSummer Vegetable Tian: Simple and Elegant
The term tian simply refers to a dish of thinly sliced vegetables that have been cooked in fat of your choice and baked au gratin. This crispy and colorful Summer Vegetable Tian is the perfect side to showcase the medley of mouthwatering veggies that the season has to offer! The following excerpt is from The Heal Your…
Read MoreMull it Over: Mulberries, Memories, and Muffins
Mulberries have a special power of unlocking memories. Catching a whiff of a pie in the oven or taking that first delicious bite will transport you back to not only the first time you had mulberries, but each and every time. These sweet berries very well might be in your own backyard, your neighbor’s yard,…
Read MoreHow To Make Homemade Fresh Mozzarella
There is something so fun and rewarding about pulling out a gallon or two of milk and deciding to make some homemade mozzarella. It is super delicious: creamy, salty, all the best things when it comes to cheese. Have faith that with a little practice, you can enter into the world of cheesemaking and make…
Read MoreDrill, Plug, Wax, Wait: 6 Simple Steps to Growing Mushrooms Outdoors
Mushrooms: they’re versatile, they’re delicious, and they’re extremely simple to grow in your yard or garden. We have a mushroom growing method that’s so simple, you have no excuse not to try it out. All you need is a log or tree stump, some mushroom starter, and a couple of basic tools. And you will…
Read MoreHow to Brew Mead at Home: Ginger-Apricot Mead Recipe
When Jereme was in North Carolina for the 2016 Mother Earth News Fair in Asheville, he picked up a local honey made from summer wildflowers. Why? He was inspired after visiting Fox Hill and sampling their Special Reserve Mead, which has hints of ginger and a unique blend of buckwheat honey and some lighter varietals.…
Read MorePlant Spotlight: The Joyful Juneberry
All hail the joyful juneberry! While these rich and sweet berries taste wonderful when they’re fresh, you can also preserve them, use them as a substitute for blueberries in dessert recipes, and used to make wine, beer or cider. To create these delicious dishes, you first need to find and harvest juneberries. Get ready to set…
Read MoreThe Hunt for Wild Huckleberries and Buckwheat Huckleberry Buckle Cake
Huckleberries are a true prize for fruit foragers. Describing them as “intense, juicy, and addictive,” author Sara Bir has the lowdown on where and how to harvest them. And if you’re one of the lucky ones who brings home a bountiful harvest, the recipe below for Buckwheat Huckleberry Buckle is a MUST-make. Trust us. It’s…
Read MoreSummer Rainbow Pickled Vegetable Plate: A Taste of Summer
Few things scream “summer” more than a fresh, colorful plate of seasonal veggies. With this recipe for a rainbow pickled veg plate, you’ll transform simple vegetables into a delectable dish that your guests will be craving all season long. The following is an excerpt from Salt and the Art of Seasoning by James Strawbridge. It…
Read MoreThe Case for Beef
The narrative on beef is constantly changing. From paleo to veganism, we are continually told conflicting information about the healthiness of beef and whether or not it should be in our diets. Former vegetarian and environmental lawyer turned rancher, Nicolette Hahn Niman, makes the following case for beef: “I also firmly believe a person should…
Read MoreKvass: A Nourishing, Fermented Beverage
Looking to add another recipe to your fermenting repertoire? Try your hand at kvass! This nourishing beverage calls for just a few simple ingredients and only takes a couple of days to ferment. Use beets or get creative with various fruit combinations like Blueberry Lemon Mint or Ginger Apple Lime. The following recipes are from The Heal…
Read MoreMake Rice Koji in 12 Easy Steps
Looking for a new cooking project? Try your hand at rice koji! Follow these steps by two renowned chefs to make delicious rice koji at home. The following is an excerpt from Koji Alchemy by Jeremy Umansky and Rich Shih. It has been adapted for the web. Making Basic Rice Koji the Traditional Way Let’s walk…
Read MoreFrom Seed to Table: Buckwheat Pancakes
According to a column in Agricultural Research from September 1974, “buckwheat has an amino acid composition nutritionally superior to all cereals, including oats,” due to its high content of lysine. Not only that, but hearty buckwheat pancakes are just as tasty, if not tastier, than those made from wheat. So what are you waiting for?…
Read MoreForaging For Wild Strawberries
Have you ever stumbled across wild strawberries? Growing along the sunny banks and around a forest edge, along roadsides, hillsides or even in your own back yard, wild strawberries are delicious. Wild strawberries are much smaller than those hollow, crunchy, off-season truck farm monstrosities most of us allow to pass for strawberries. Cultivated in-season berries, the…
Read MoreHow to Use Lambsquarter from Root to Plant to Seed
Before yanking out the next patch of lambsquarter you find in your yard or garden, consider the different edible and medicinal uses of this “super weed.” From green juices to soaps, lambsquarter can be used to create and enhance plenty of health-boosting meals and products. The following is an excerpt from The Wild Wisdom of Weeds…
Read MoreGrill Your Way to Greatness: 6 Recipes to Get You Fired Up
Summer is the perfect time to fire up that grill and enjoy the great outdoors. Check out one of our top 6 grill recipes next time you’re barbecuing and savor the flavor of summer! Grill Greatness: The Best Meat Temperatures Have plans to fire up the grill this summer? Want to impress everyone with your…
Read MoreRaspberry and Blueberry Soda: Brewing Up Some Bubbles
One of the best ways to begin brewing is by dipping your toes in the bubbling waters of homemade soda. This recipe for Mountain Raspberry and Blueberry Soda features just a few local ingredients and allows you to get as creative as you’d like. There are no real rules when it comes to this fun…
Read MoreRecipes and Meal Plans for Childhood Cancer
“Your child has cancer.” Every day, forty-three American families hear these words, thrusting them headlong into the terrifying and unfamiliar territory of pediatric oncology. Finding meals that are both enjoyable and good for your child’s health can feel near impossible. Read on for some tips and recipes to inspire and help in one of the…
Read MoreWild Dijon Vinaigrette: A Spin On Classic Salad Dressing
Move aside, store-bought salad dressing! Delicious and unique, this Wild Dijon Vinaigrette is bound to be your new salad staple. All you need to get started is some vinegar, a little bit of mustard, and a few more simple ingredients that you can find at home. The following is an excerpt from Wildcrafted Vinegars by Pascal…
Read MoreRamp It Up A Notch: Tabasco-Style Ramp Hot Sauce
Looking for a delicious (and spicy) DIY project to work on this spring? This recipe for foraged, tabasco-style ramp hot sauce is sure to turn up the heat. The following is an excerpt from The Forager Chef’s Book of Flora by Alan Bergo. It has been adapted for the web. Unless otherwise noted, all photographs…
Read MoreWild Edibles: 5 Tips for Beginner Foragers
New to foraging? Here are a few beginner tips to get you started on your hunt for wild edibles! And next time you are taking a walk around the neighborhood, keep your eyes peeled for these thirteen plants: dandelion, mallow, purslane, plantain, thistle, amaranth, dock, mustard, grass, chickweed, clover, lambsquarter, and knotweed. The following is…
Read MoreBetter Butter: Blossom Butter and Herb Garden Butter
Herb butter is a fantastic trick to have up your culinary sleeve! These two recipes offer simple ways to use edible flowers and herbs that you can pick right in your backyard. If you’ve never made herb butter, you’re in for a treat. These recipes are from The Occidental Arts and Ecology Cookbook, by The…
Read MoreSimple, Greek-Style Yogurt
Looking for a simply & healthy snack to make this spring? These tips will help you whip up a delicious Greek-style yogurt with ease. The following excerpt is from Keeping a Family Cow by Joann S. Grohman. It has been adapted for the web. Making Yogurt Milk from a high-milk-solids breed such as the Jersey…
Read MoreHow to Forage and Store Wild Greens
Whether you are an expert forager or new to the skill, it’s important to understand how to store your freshly picked bounty. Luckily, author Alan Bergo has the lowdown on how to harvest wild greens and cook them for the best storage so your harvest can stay fresh for days after being picked! The following…
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